Company Disclosure
Who is Dealer Net Finance?
Trading Address:
Dealer Net Finance Limited
46 Lambton Court
Peterlee, SR8 1NG
Registered Office:
Franklin House
Stockton Road
Stockton, TS21 2AG
Telephone – 0191 5866168
Fax – 0191 5180669
E-Mail –
Company Number – 5722918
Director – H.Musgrave
How can Dealer Net Finance help finance your purchase?
We can introduce you to a number of lenders and help to put together your application for finance on your purchase. We can only introduce you to these lenders and do not lend money ourselves.
Are Dealer Net Finance authorised to help finance your purchase?
Yes. Dealer Net Finance Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) 25 The North Colonnade, London E14 5HS. Our Finance Conduct Authority authorisation number is 660336.
You can view our FCA firm details on the consumer credit register here.
Do I have to pay Dealer Net Finance?
No. At no point throughout the process do we charge you for our services. A lender we introduce you to may pay us for introducing you.
Can Dealer Net Finance give me independent financial advice?
No. Dealer Net Finance are not qualified or authorised independent financial advisers.
What can I do if I have a complaint about Dealer Net Finance?
You can download a copy of our full complaints procedure here. In the first instance please contact us direct at our trading address or by contacting us on 0191 5866168 If you would like to take your complaint further you can contact the Financial Ombudsman Service on 0800 0234 567 or visit